Plants vs. Zombies Poetry Smash

This lesson is courtesy of my little Plants vs. Zombie Kings (PvZ), Julian and Adrian! They inspired me to create a themed lesson based on the addictive game! It's free on iPad/Android.
Look for this ugly guy:

If you are STILL lost, then please enjoy this PvZ video:
Plants Vs Zombies 2: It's About Time! Game Trailer from Wolf & Crow on Vimeo.
The lesson lay-out is fairly simple. Students either work together as a whole table (group of 4) or in pairs. One person/table writes a rhyming poem from the POV (point of view) of the plant. See below:The remaining partner/competing table writes from the POV of the Zombie. See I had MUCH fun composing this poem!
The POETRY SMASH part comes in with the lyricist battle! Either via volunteers or members from competing table, the "Plants" battle the "Zombies!" You could have some parent volunteers judge the winners, ELA teacher or it can just be the students rating themselves. Here are my AMAZING KIDS rocking their POETRY SMASH:
If you need a resource on POV, check out Flocabulary's post: Another cool idea: Order some PvZ characters/stuffed creatures and have them perform their poems as the voices of the characters, while another student records using iMovie! Check back because I'm posting this idea!
I even have a "ZOMBIE PLANT" in the library that flourished in vibrant splendor, until someone touches it...then it "plays DEAD!

Next, I read to the students the graphic novel version of PvZ: Bully for You written by Paul Tobin w/illustrations by Ron Chan:

To conclude, I had to spread the PvZ virus and allow the students to get their inner gamer out in the library. We had a PvZ Tournament to DIE for! Check our library under attack:
P.S. Here's a "bonafide, Kentucky fried" Poetry bonus! It's an inspirational take on Beyonce's "Formation"@awakenlibrarian Great video :D
— Plants vs. Zombies (@PlantsvsZombies) April 4, 2016
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