
Showing posts from June 23, 2013

Thing 13: Google Docs

I have pledged allegiance to Google Docs. As a librarian graduate student, having an online collection base of my documents has opened up a whole new meeting to COLLABORATION. Case in point, we had this professor that gave a monster assignment (i.e. 30+ pages). We didn't know what to do, but yours truly figured her way out through the mud of it. a true collaborator, I posted my entire findings on Google Documents to help my colleagues. The teamwork that ensued was amazing, because everyone could see my document from any location and add their feedback. In summary, it saved our skittles! I can see using this as model for essay writing and ratings. I would love for students to read and leave comments on what they think this essay deserved (based on a state rating-rubric) for a score. The students could leave their justifications and then discuss it at their leisure. It will make for a great extension activity for them to do in support of the in-class instruction. The libra...

Thing 12: Microblogging

Twitter, TWEETing and microblogging is all the rage right now, and we librarian are on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, my campus library doesn't have a twitter account, but I will make it a mission to get us on board. I think a librarian can tweet out upcoming technology trainings, book fairs and community out-reach nights! I would also tweet out great sites and/or ideaologies that advocate for reading. I tweet personally and like to follow my favorite authors, and as a librarian, I think it would be exciting to students to know who their school librarian is following and why. There's always an ulterior motive to a librarian's actions...(evil laugh)!! ABCya Glogster Prezi

Thing 11: Play in the Sandbox

As a librarian, it's imperative to collaborate and bouncing different strategies to use in your library and keep the resources updated and edgy enough to entice all ages. Having a professional group wiki to bounce ideas off of each other is a life-saver for me. I want to spend more time "playing in the sandbox" to see how this resource can benefit me, so please check back to see how my Epsilen Professional Wiki Group has enhanced my role as a librarian.

Thing 10: School Wikis

In the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) world, having a school wiki is the one of the first steps and most basic manner to introduce technology...that is aside from a mind-numbing PowerPoint presentation (not including Prezi )! I recently reviewed how teachers are using wikis (click on the link if you're clueless about wikis!) in the school environment. The Bear-Den is history teacher's fine attempt at creating a usable, informative and educational VLE. I love the fact that he incorporated a discussion/debate board for his students, click here . Healthy arguments are the breeding ground for intellectual inspiration!!

Thing 9: Useful Library Blogs

Yes, I'm on my blog blogging about useful library blogs, but what can I say? It's all in the name of information! I've found this interesting blog, 150 Useful, Educational and Inspirational Blogs for Aspiring Writers , and "by-golly" wasn't it helpful for this blog. I especially like the following blogs it suggested: The Well-fed Writer Blog and Rushdie Discussion on What it is to Be a Writer in This World ! From the - I enjoyed the article Instead of Just Sharing "What You Do.." with Clients, Share "Who You Are"... by Peter Bowerman. It discussed how this entrepreneur fired a contractor for deliberately defying a specific client request, but still paying the defiant contractor (so he wouldn't cry foul-play) and NOT charging the client for the business owner's obvious disappointment! That was a mouthful but it will make more sense when you read the article! :) From the "Discussion on What it ...

Thing 6: Tagging

What's a librarian without a bookmark? Naked...sort of! :) I've learned about tagging and essentially it's like a bookmark on every page you share a consistent interest in! Hello Delicious! I have linked and added this blog to my Delicious tagging host!

Thing 8: RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds are a supreme-genius way to tailor-suit the internet for you. I found Technorati's RSS set up the easiest to use. Much like the competing sites, you're allowed to embed your RSS code into your blog and add the RSS from blogs you want to follow. For an excellent break down of RSS Feeds and their significance, click here. The most informative and overwhelming site to investigate RSS webfeeds was Initially, all the icons, national flags and Top 10 feeds. I found this site for RSS Feeds and Teaching quite helpful. They have a "21 Must Read Feeds for Teachers!" Now we're cooking!