Happy Thanksgiving!
We're celebrating "Turkey Day" by writing LIMERICKS!
After "wetting" my students' appetite about a turkey named "Bert"--who was young, foolish and didn't listen to his elder turkey-friend about how to save his life by doing the "turkey dance" (see video below) for the King and Queen--I explained Bert's downfall and, more specifically, how he became my Thanksgiving dinner! It's my clever way to get young 'uns to listen to their elders...part Aesop fable...party my own zaniness! I end the story with a cliff-hanger, the students rapt at attention regarding what happened to Bert. When I've prolonged it time enough, I transition to this limerick below to satiate their "literary thirst!" :)
There once was a turkey named Bert,
Who thought himself a flirt.
He played with his life
and met a sharp knife.
Now he's the source of my burp! :)
Scholastic has this interactive online game for writing limericks as well as all types of poems! Click the picture for a "test-go!"
Also, I found this DARLING about a "Turkey Named Bert!" My students (K-5) just LOVED this video! Thank you Learning Station! I hope you enjoy it as well!
Here's the RE-DO VIDEO, which I do not care for as much as the original...:'(
Here are two of my library leaders, showing how the "Gobble Wobble Dance" should be done! Can you tell who won?
To bring the activities all together, we read the book 'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey
And who could forget "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?"
And, don't forget to think of what you're thankful for...I'm thankful for my sons, my new master's degree and the love of my Mama!
After "wetting" my students' appetite about a turkey named "Bert"--who was young, foolish and didn't listen to his elder turkey-friend about how to save his life by doing the "turkey dance" (see video below) for the King and Queen--I explained Bert's downfall and, more specifically, how he became my Thanksgiving dinner! It's my clever way to get young 'uns to listen to their elders...part Aesop fable...party my own zaniness! I end the story with a cliff-hanger, the students rapt at attention regarding what happened to Bert. When I've prolonged it time enough, I transition to this limerick below to satiate their "literary thirst!" :)
There once was a turkey named Bert,
Who thought himself a flirt.
He played with his life
and met a sharp knife.
Now he's the source of my burp! :)

Scholastic has this interactive online game for writing limericks as well as all types of poems! Click the picture for a "test-go!"

Also, I found this DARLING about a "Turkey Named Bert!" My students (K-5) just LOVED this video! Thank you Learning Station! I hope you enjoy it as well!
Here's the RE-DO VIDEO, which I do not care for as much as the original...:'(
Here are two of my library leaders, showing how the "Gobble Wobble Dance" should be done! Can you tell who won?
To bring the activities all together, we read the book 'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey
And who could forget "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving?"
And, don't forget to think of what you're thankful for...I'm thankful for my sons, my new master's degree and the love of my Mama!
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