Debunk the Stereo-typical "Marian the Librarian"

What I want to discuss today is a fellow blogger and librarian, Ingrid Abrams--The Magpie Librarian . Recently, she was featured in a article titled, "This is What a Librarian Looks Like." Why this article is important to me (and all librarians) is because often times, librarians are stereotyped. I can't count the number of times folks look at me bewildered when I say, "I'm a librarian." It's like they're in disbelief that I am. Why? "Where's the disillusionment coming from?" is what I want to ask. So this insightful article about the diversity of librarians truly validated my belief: not all librarians are Caucasian ladies with glasses and prudent behavior. Kyle Cassidy, photographer and contributing writer, decided at ALA's Mid-winter Conference to feature the wonderful...