The Three Ninja Pigs

So my Goodman Owl babies and I recently read Corey Rosen Schwartz's The Three Ninja Pigs! Let me just tell you, I thought that my innocent post on Goodreads about a great lesson in my class, that just so happened to center on The Three Ninja Pigs book, would motivate others to read an exciting book. Take a look at the post here: The Three Ninja Pigs by Corey Rosen Schwartz My rating: 5 of 5 stars I LOVED sharing this book with my elementary babes. We did this right around the Chinese New Year. I was able to combo that wondrous event, with Bruce Lee (my childhood hero)! I appreciated the fact that the Ninja principles of self-discipline, respect, and harmony with nature were evident. Plus, the kids ADORED the illustrations. I taught them the proper bow/greeting for a sensei and had them all bow and greet their teacher, when she returned to collect them from rotation. She was flabbergasted and impressed. GREAT READ and catalyst for activity! So many of my boys are tak...