End of the Year Librarian Review/Evaluation
As librarians, we wear so many hats: book goddess, tech tibrarian (technology and librarian) and makerspace maven! I've been trying to think of everything we do and I'm just shocked that I have any energy left. Below is a brief Prezi of this year's accomplishments. For those librarians and administrators wanting a more in depth look, the Google document goes into specifics. But for those of you who follow my blog, you know this is my digital resume or bionic baby, as I refer to it!
Here's the digital in-depth version as promised:
As you've probably gathered from my blog, I'm quite open and straight-forward. It's the librarian in me! :) Here's an evaluation of my role as a librarian from a Digital Resources Librarian. Additionally, here it is (finally) my evaluation from my current principal 2014-2015 at Goodman ES:
Additionally, here are some screen shots of additional collaboration w/colleagues in the district and staff:

Here's the digital in-depth version as promised:
As you've probably gathered from my blog, I'm quite open and straight-forward. It's the librarian in me! :) Here's an evaluation of my role as a librarian from a Digital Resources Librarian. Additionally, here it is (finally) my evaluation from my current principal 2014-2015 at Goodman ES:

Additionally, here are some screen shots of additional collaboration w/colleagues in the district and staff:
I'll finish mine in the next two weeks. I'm naming it Prezton.