Using #TwitterAnalytics!
Happy Digital Learning Day! If you didn't know, you need to get on board: #DLDay!
As you may know I'm a self-branded #SocialMediaLibrarian! I participate in a variety of #PLN chats and am a fierce advocate for the "growth mindset" for professionals! Every week, like clock work, I set reminders in my smart-phone to drop everything and "better me" by learning from others! It's sounds cheesy, but it's the gospel truth! :)
I've often wondered the effects of my tweets and Twitter Analytics has answered the call! Here's a snap-shot of my Twitter Analytics (my specific results):

Thanks to Stony Evans for sharing "Why You Should Add Twitter Analytics to Your Library Statistical Reports!" Stony, you just "wrapped up with a bow" my rationale as to why participating in Twitter Chats (Go Team #txlchat!) should be applied to my professional development hours for my district/state requirements! :)
Here's a little snippet from the article: This report reveals the most viewed and mentioned Tweets for the month. You can also see how many Tweets were sent from my account over that 30 day period. The part of the report that will be of interest to library stakeholders is the "Tweet Impressions". This is how many times Tweets are seen. For November, the Tweets in my account were seen 80,300 times! That is a powerful advocacy tool statistic! I plan to add these statistics up over the course of the school year and share that in the final report at the end of the year. Administrators need to know the impact of our social media activities. This shows the impact of how you are telling the story of your library program and your school to the world! If your analytics aren't high at the beginning of your Twitter experience, that is fine. You should consider reporting any impressions! The more active you are on Twitter, the higher your Tweet impressions will be. Sharing these statistics over time will show growth. Administrators and other stakeholders want to see effective use of social media, and this is a great way to share the impact your library program is making outside of the school walls.
Therefore, tweeting #SocialMediaLibrarians...y'all better get this Twitter Analytics into your End of the Year Reports! OWN YOUR DIGITAL BRAND FOR YOURSELF...and your campus!
As you may know I'm a self-branded #SocialMediaLibrarian! I participate in a variety of #PLN chats and am a fierce advocate for the "growth mindset" for professionals! Every week, like clock work, I set reminders in my smart-phone to drop everything and "better me" by learning from others! It's sounds cheesy, but it's the gospel truth! :)
I've often wondered the effects of my tweets and Twitter Analytics has answered the call! Here's a snap-shot of my Twitter Analytics (my specific results):
Thanks to Stony Evans for sharing "Why You Should Add Twitter Analytics to Your Library Statistical Reports!" Stony, you just "wrapped up with a bow" my rationale as to why participating in Twitter Chats (Go Team #txlchat!) should be applied to my professional development hours for my district/state requirements! :)
Here's a little snippet from the article: This report reveals the most viewed and mentioned Tweets for the month. You can also see how many Tweets were sent from my account over that 30 day period. The part of the report that will be of interest to library stakeholders is the "Tweet Impressions". This is how many times Tweets are seen. For November, the Tweets in my account were seen 80,300 times! That is a powerful advocacy tool statistic! I plan to add these statistics up over the course of the school year and share that in the final report at the end of the year. Administrators need to know the impact of our social media activities. This shows the impact of how you are telling the story of your library program and your school to the world! If your analytics aren't high at the beginning of your Twitter experience, that is fine. You should consider reporting any impressions! The more active you are on Twitter, the higher your Tweet impressions will be. Sharing these statistics over time will show growth. Administrators and other stakeholders want to see effective use of social media, and this is a great way to share the impact your library program is making outside of the school walls.
Therefore, tweeting #SocialMediaLibrarians...y'all better get this Twitter Analytics into your End of the Year Reports! OWN YOUR DIGITAL BRAND FOR YOURSELF...and your campus!
Thank you so much for mentioning this article! I am honored that you used this concept for your PD, Jean! I am grateful to you!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! I enjoyed your post and look forward to learning more along side a fellow #socialmedialibrarian! :)Gratitude & giggles right back at you!