Middle School the Worst Years of My Life

In honor of the movie release of James Patterson's Middle School: The Worse Years of My Life, I gave away a copy of the book during the morning announcements. The students were to give me a "Top 10 List" of the BEST things about middle school. My winner, Prince W., not only answered the call, but gave me a graphic representation of his list! How's that for visual note-taking? Check out his HUGE smile for winning the book...he even gave me 3 hugs! He's a 6th grade sweetheart! And, WAY different from Rafe Kkatchadorian!These are the days I LOVE my job!!!
Here are some pages from the book, that you really should go out and buy TODAY before you see the movie! What can I say? I'm a librarian#MiddleSchoolMovie Here's my book giveaway winner! He had to give a Top 10 list of the BEST things about mid schl! @TLA #snapshot #HISD pic.twitter.com/3p0TimGYDF
— AwakenLibrarian (@awakenlibrarian) October 7, 2016

To conclude, this tidbit below is how I dangled the carrot of temptation for the book prize this morning...it was originally titled "Top 5 Reasons Middle School Sucks," but because we're a K-8 campus, I had to be rated G! Even Buzzfeed knows middle school isn't the best time in your life! Lol!
Check out the movie trailer and go with your kiddos to see it...after you read the book tonight!
P.S. Here's a closer look at my student's drawing of his Top 10 List! I just love that he's giving me a SketchNote without even realizing it!
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