Senorita Gordita #TellAFairyTaleDay

I love fairy tales, it's a hallmark for every literate culture! Today's National Tell A Fairy Tale Day ! Senorita Gordita by Helen Ketteman My rating: 4 of 5 stars For National #TellaFairyTaleDay, I dusted off this Latino version of "The Gingerbread Man" for my primarily bilingual campus! It's a wonderful rendition for inclusion of ELL learners! Instead of a gingerbread man, we have "Senorita Gordita!" Much like I would imagine a gordita would be if it came to life, Senorita Gordita is hot and sassy! But though she can "gas pass" her hungry enemies, it her wit, she needs to watch out for! I won't spoil it for you, but as an wise old owl said, "There's a time to be quiet and a time to speak." I'll ad-lib this "There's a time to diet and a time to eat!" Lol! Enjoy! :) View all my reviews Here's a wonderful collection of activities to do with Senorita Gordita, as well as other fairy-tales! E...