EOY Report 2015-16 & Summer Reading
I've often said that this blog is my resume. It has all one needs to know about me as a librarian. I've covered the spectrum of abilities, but what I'm most proud of is that in one school year, I went from 15,000 views to 30,000!! That's an 100? increase and absolute affirmation that I'm on the right path advocating for the library. Thank you for all your support this year and I hope to continue pleasing my viewers! :) P.S. To check out last year's review, click here . Prevent the #SummerSlide in reading. Check out this tweet below...plus Chuck E. Cheese is even aware of the IMPORTANCE of #SummerReading! Stop the #SummerSlide in #Reading ! Join @BNBuzz 's campaign: https://t.co/l474TCJ5I3 #whatisschool #tlchat #WNDLibs pic.twitter.com/bT7LhmR4fv — AwakenLibrarian (@awakenlibrarian) May 13, 2016