Summer Reading

As the school year comes to a close, let's not forget about the importance on learning, even when playing. Help us stop the "Summer Slide!" Here's a handy graphic from the National Summer Learning Association . Thank you to our Sienna Branch Librarians for coming out to spread the joy of their summer reading programs! TY #FortBend County #Librarians for inspiring our kids! Be sure to stop by & say hello to Mrs. Goss & Ms. Parra! — Goodman_Owls (@Goodman_Owls) May 24, 2016 Love our Sienna Branch #Librarians ! They're helping our kids stop the #reading #summerslide ! @SugarLandSun #FBISD — AwakenLibrarian (@awakenlibrarian) May 24, 2016 Don't forget to join their Summer Reading Club ! The fun starts May 30! Look for the above graphic if you're in grades K-5! Look for the above graphic if you're going to MIDDLE SCHOOL! Before you head on over to Sienna Branch Library, b...