New Digital Finds for Black History Month

Happy Black History Month! I'm so thankful to highlight the contributions of these Americans! It's everyone's history...with a well deserved emphasis on those marginalized over the years!

Now that I'm working at the best magnet arts campus in Houston, Gregory-Lincoln Education Center for the Visual and Performance Arts, I can't stop bragging about all the wonderful extra-curricular opportunities here! On Tuesday, February 28, beginning at 5:30 pm, come celebrate BHM with us! We'll even have our own "Barack and Michelle Obama!"

PSA for GLEC's Black History play! from AwakenLibrarian on Vimeo.

For those of you that didn't know, I've long wanted to be a playwright! So, for our "Black History" program, I wrote one!

Because I secretly wanted to be a dancer as a young girl, and when challenged by a student that I couldn't waltz, I had to make him eat a little "humble pie!"

Lastly, here's some digital finds that even taught me a thing or two I didn't know about black history!


  1. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commentators here!

    1. Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I appreciate your feedback and glad I could help! I wish you well! :)


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