Happy October Friends!

When I tell you that Halloween 2020 about broke my beloved 12 y/o (at that time), I promise you, it's the gospel. This was the 1st time, I allowed him to wear a scary costume AND give out candy. We decorated the bushes, changed the porchlight and purchased 25 lbs of candy...and not a single soul would approach him. He scared them all, grown folks, kiddos and teens. One parent argued he wasn't a kid. After 2 hrs, he came in and sobbed. He begrudgingly accepted that he was too scary. What say you, my friends?? Was he too scary? Before it slips my mind, Happy Birthday, JJ. You're the best soulmate for me! You, your brother, and our connection breathes life into the worst of my days! For those kiddos here looking for directions to the scary story contest, here are the details: Halloween Descriptive Writing Presentation by Eboni Darnell Everyone else, I hope you enjoy this October newsletter. It's full of resources, as always. Enjoy!