Student Leaders: How to Become an Advocate!

Welcome to my Back-to-School Leadership and Advocacy post! I am super excited to present to you some ways to get your students involved in the censorship battles across America. This post is written in conjunction with the wonderful Da'Taeveyon Daniels, winner of the Sam G. Whitten Award for Intellectual Freedom this past year at the 2024 Texas Library Association Annual Conference: Here's a bonus for you, Da'Taeveyon has written a Top 5 List for Student Advocacy to educate and elevate student voices in leadership. As student activists, advocates, organizers, and storytellers, we play a crucial role in shaping the future of our communities and our country. If you're just starting in student advocacy, especially in the fight against book bans, here are five essential tips to help you take a leadership role and inspire action. 1. Educate Yourself and Others Knowledge is power. Start by understanding the issues at hand—why are books being banned, who is aff...